Educational Services
FONDAZIONE AGIDAE LABOR offers and promotes continuing professional development paths through:
ON DEMAND TRAINING, onceived from the learning necessities expressed by companies, businesses, institutes, etc… We offer the possibility to work together with the company representatives to design specific courses towards the company’s own goals, that can either be held in the company’s location or in FONDAZIONE AGIDAE LABOR’s branches.
FINANCED TRAINING either with public funds or with interprofessional funds, through the planning and the supply of continuing training interventions, that are tailored on the needs of the applicant Institutes .
SPECIAL PROJECTS, that are activated through a service of assistance, support and partecipation, in partnership in local, national and european public announcements. FONDAZIONE AGIDAE LABOR supports the Institutes in the planning, arrangement, management and balance reports of Projects that are made within PON, ERASMUS+ programs, other european projects and new ministerial announcements to contribute for the development of the training offering, encouraging the exchange of good practices and increasing the knowledge and the motivation towards the inclusion and the integration of the participants.
COUNSELLING, FONDAZIONE AGIDAE LABOR flanks companies, business, institutes, etc.. in the analysis of the training necessities and in the definition of more appropriate interventions, organizing and producing the training actions.
GUIDANCE, a continuing and complex process in which FONDAZIONE AGIDAE LABOR follows and supports in the choice of the most appopriate training and professional path for necessities, skills, competences and attitudes of the subjects involved.